Yoga and Meditation have been a tremendous asset in my life.

For me, yoga and meditation is a practice of awareness.

Becoming aware of the body you have, finding your edges and challenging notions of what is possible today. Together, we will build strength, stability and mobility, over time, with consistent, incremental gains.

Becoming aware of the mind, your preferences, your stories and loops, and your ideas of what it means to have focus and be in control. Together, we will develop your ability to get grounded in moments of intensity, to respond with ease rather than react, to come back to center when distracted or disturbed and to be-here-now, no matter what is going on around you.


I specialize in integrated vinyasa yoga, yin yoga and zen/mindfulness meditation.

My teaching philosophy centers around the idea of consistent practice over a specific destination. I meet you where you are at and we will find incremental progress over time. Beginners Always Welcome!

I first found yoga back in 2009 during an incredibly stressful period of life when I was working too hard and playing too hard. I needed a reset, but truth is I didn’t have time in my busy life to go on a cleansing retreat or take a vacation. Instead, my girlfriend at the time introduced me to yoga and what I found was balance. Both figurative and literal.

The concept of balance is interesting - balance is an active process. It takes intentional engagement in certain areas. It takes a whole lot of practice. It can happen both in the extremes and in the middle or the metaphorical seesaw.

Yoga and Meditation is one way to balance out your life. We spend a lot of time in the mind thinking, doing, working, struggling, chasing, fighting, resisting, pushing up against.

Give yourself an hour every day or every other day or even once a week to actively do the opposite. To be in the body, to be still, to be strong, to move with ease, to relax, to let go, to receive, to be present in the moment - here and now.

You deserve it.

To get started either book a Discovery Call or if you are ready to practice - book a Private or Small Group Session now!